RED® Watchdog is a menu bar tool available for Mac® OS X® that enables you to manage permissions for mounted RED® media. By default, media is mounted as “Read Only” to reduce the chance of file corruption or unintentional changes.

NOTE: RED Watchdog automatically installs and runs in the background when you install REDCINE-X PRO®.

Change Media Permissions

  1. Click RED Watchdog (RED Watchdog) in the OS X menu bar.
  2. Select Preferences... and go to the Settings Tab.
  3. Select Read-Write from the Mount RED Media drop-down menu.

    RED Watchdog

    Figure: RED Watchdog

Remount Media as Read/Write

  1. Click RED Watchdog (RED Watchdog) in the OS X menu bar.
  2. Select the media that you want from the list of mounted RED media.
  3. Select Remount Read/Write.

    RED Watchdog unmounts and remounts the media, enabling you to edit R3D® files directly from the media.

Safely Eject Media

WARNING: Always properly eject media before removing it from the computer. Failure to safely eject media may result in corruption or lost files.

Methods of safely ejecting media on Mac OS X include:

  • On the desktop, right-click a mounted drive and select Eject.
  • On the desktop, select the media that you want to eject and press Command+E.
  • On the menu bar, click RED Watchdog (RED Watchdog) and select the media drive. Select Eject.
  • Open Disk Utility. Select the mounted media that you want to eject and click Eject.
  • In REDCINE-X PRO, go to the Import tab and right-click the media source. Select Eject.
REDCINE-X PRO Operation Guide
955-0004_V50, REV-J1
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